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Consumer Gripes Hit Record Levels Over Purchases Needed ‘To Get Through Each Day’

Connecting the Dots

Morgeson said that with the economy still adding jobs at a rapid clip, many front-line service personnel have moved into other positions, leaving them open or with less well-trained people. Broetzmann said that isnt an effective way to get results.

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Customer Rage Study Podcast: Interview With Scott Broetzmann and Mary Murcott

Connecting the Dots

Here we are in 2016 now, the study was done in 2015, and it is only 17%. In 1976, the percentage of households with a problem was 32% and in 2015 it’s 54%. And that’s despite tremendous increases in the quality of products and services. And I don’t buy that premise, when I look at the rage data. That’s a big increase.