Why Real-Time Monitoring Is So Important in the Contact Center
DECEMBER 4, 2013
With real-time monitoring managers can act, not just react, and customer service, performance, and compliance issues can't slip through the cracks.
DECEMBER 4, 2013
With real-time monitoring managers can act, not just react, and customer service, performance, and compliance issues can't slip through the cracks.
Win the Customer
DECEMBER 28, 2013
'Only 4% of customers trust advertising the most for service information, so can your good customer experience to help seal the deal with customers?
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AUGUST 6, 2013
UPDATED JANUARY 2020. Lowering call abandonment in contact centers is what we do. It’s a primary benefit of our call-back software (and we’re proud of it) so you’ll forgive us for making this piece detailed… a round-up of what we’ll be covering today so you can skip the bits you already know. How to Reduce Abandonment Rates in Your Contact Center.
NOVEMBER 22, 2013
Customer support and customer service have been around for decades. These were the necessary evils of the traditional sector – the old-model reactive break/fix cost center – to resolve problems resulting from breaks and service interruptions. The misconception with SaaS is that there is no longer a need for a team of this nature in today’s organization.
What does customer service excellence look like in 2024? According to our report with insights from CX expert Shep Hyken, customer expectations are at an all-time high, and there’s a bigger shift toward self-service and leveraging AI capabilities.
MAY 27, 2013
Customer-Centricity Goes Beyond Customer Experience Management Lynn Hunsaker. Customer experience management is necessary, yet insufficient. Traditionally, organizations have managed customer experience with a mindset of how the company is doing, in order to grow revenue. Consequently, surveys tend to ask more about the company than about the buyer, and customer programs typically emphasize excitement and urgency for new purchases and positive word-of-mouth.
Customer Contact Central brings together the best content for Contact Center and Customer Service professionals from the widest variety of industry thought leaders.
DECEMBER 23, 2013
Happy holidays! Thank you for having helped us to create the next generation of mobile-ready online survey software.
Horizon CX
SEPTEMBER 30, 2013
'Being a Customer Experience (CX) professional and having studied and practiced the art and the science of this wonderful CX discipline for over nine years now, (all within one organization) I pause to reflect on what the net result is of all the hard and dedicated work that we CX professionals have accomplished thus far and what we are yet to accomplish.
Chad Schaeffer
JUNE 17, 2013
What’s fun and exciting this week? My last post on “How Kroger Ruined, Then Saved My Daughter’s Birthday” was the third most popular post of all time here on No Fluff Social Media. Thanks to everyone who took the time to read it. I often write about how big companies can improve their customer care in social media and I got to thinking perhaps some of you would be interested to know how to complain or ask a question of those brands on Facebook or Twitter.
FEBRUARY 19, 2013
Prevention vs. clean up. It’s a security question all financial institutions should ask themselves. When it comes to providing a trusted customer environment, banks are typically better at resolving problems stemming from non-predictive authentication and fraud than preventing them. That’s because they continue to allow criminals to get their foot in the door.
Start building the AI workforce of the future with our comprehensive guide to creating an AI-first contact center. Learn how Conversational and Generative AI can transform traditional operations into scalable, efficient, and customer-centric experiences. What is AI-First? Transition from outdated, human-first strategies to an AI-driven approach that enhances customer engagement and operational efficiency.
Customer Interactions
FEBRUARY 7, 2013
'When a company invests in a solution such as PSIM the obvious reason is to improve security. But when’s the last time you heard “improved security” mentioned as a source of ROI? Yet, the potential ROI from security improvements can far outweigh any operational cost savings from PSIM. This is especially true in very sensitive industries where the cost of a security breach, the mishandling of a safety malfunction, or failure to comply with regulations can have huge financial imp
APRIL 5, 2013
Two approaches to speech recognition are commonly used in conversational analytics solutions: phonetics and LVCSR, each with their own pros and cons.
Win the Customer
DECEMBER 31, 2013
'Consistently delivering an exceptional customer experience requires creating employee engagement and culture that cultivates positive service actions.
FEBRUARY 7, 2013
UPDATED: January 2020. The best way for a call center to stand out as a leader is through the customer experience. It’s no surprise that an exceptional experience leads to more satisfied consumers, who continue to spend more money. Most callers will begin subconsciously rating their customer experience from the beginning of the interaction, regardless of the channel; phone, web, social media, or mobile app.
Harness the True Power of your Contact Center In today’s fast-paced business environment, selecting the right contact center solution is critical for enhancing customer experience, improving operational efficiency, and optimizing costs. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the essential factors to consider when choosing a contact center software that aligns with your business needs.
NOVEMBER 14, 2013
That’s when it’s back to the lab again, He better go capture the moment, And hope it don’t pass him by. Lose Yourself , Eminem. Competitive Advantage isn’t Sustainable. Power has shifted from vendors to customers. Using everyday digital technology, customers have ready access to information, people and resources. These empowered customers have higher expectations and lower loyalty than just a few years ago.
JULY 31, 2013
Putting Customers First: If Not You, Who? Lynn Hunsaker In all my years of meeting about customer responsibilities, I have never once been in the same room both with those who actually lead the move to customer centricity and with the people that prevent the move to customer centricity. There are two reasons for this: first, organizations don't think much about how the business [.
TASKE Technology
DECEMBER 10, 2013
Last time we talked about ways to keep agents engaged during the holiday season. When call volumes peak, it’s important that agents continue to excel at customer satisfaction to gain new customers and retain existing ones through excellent customer service. When looking at your agents’ ability to perform well when call volumes peak, it’s also important to monitor how busy they are on an ongoing basis.
DECEMBER 12, 2013
Now any company, anywhere can instantly create and distribute visually-rich, mobile-optimized, online surveys that work perfectly on smartphones.
With IT budgets projected to grow 9.8% in 2025, leaders must invest wisely—not just cut blindly. This whitepaper introduces The Future-Proof IT Cost Optimization Model, a framework to reduce costs while maintaining service quality. Learn how Cloud Efficiency, AI-Powered Workforce Automation, Vendor Optimization, Cybersecurity Resilience, and Unified Communications can drive savings and improve efficiency.
Horizon CX
JUNE 17, 2013
'I like pizza. I think I’m among a majority of people who do. And, pizza I would say is as much a commodity as coffee—although people certainly have their preferences and favorites for sure. While I’m not here to debate the nutritional merits of pizza, I will admit that I have this craving I must satisfy every couple of weeks. Therefore, pizza has been a regular element of my diet.
Chad Schaeffer
JUNE 10, 2013
Happy Monday morning everyone! Throw away those Monday morning blues, it’s going to be a great week. I had a fantastic weekend but it almost turned disastrous! I love it when I can tell real life customer service stories here on my blog. Thanks for visiting this week. My daughter Sophia Rose turned 5 years old. We did the typical summer barbeque, with about 40 of our closest friends and family.
FEBRUARY 5, 2013
How confident are you that the next time one of your call center agents answers the phone the call will be handled safely and efficiently? If your contact center still relies solely on a host of challenge questions to identify customers over the telephone channel, my guess is your security confidence level falls a few notches below where it should be.
Customer Interactions
MARCH 28, 2013
'Pundits have long debated the root causes of crime and how to combat it, such as investing in education, early intervention, and programs to reduce unemployment. Those may be successful strategies from a social perspective, but what about technology? Can technology also be a safe-city enabler? Here are three ways that cites can apply technology to enhance safety: Leverage Existing Security Systems to their Fullest Potential – Let’s face it – government agencies already invest
Advertiser: ZoomInfo
Savvy B2B marketers know that a great account-based marketing (ABM) strategy leads to higher ROI and sustainable growth. In this guide, we’ll cover: What makes for a successful ABM strategy? What are the key elements and capabilities of ABM that can make a real difference? How is AI changing workflows and driving functionality? This Martech Intelligence Report on Enterprise Account-Based Marketing examines the state of ABM in 2024 and what to consider when implementing ABM software.
MARCH 12, 2013
Delivered as an enterprise software solution, speech analytics extracts information from customer conversations that might otherwise be lost.
Win the Customer
DECEMBER 30, 2013
'Customer service management software and CRM focuses on providing more efficient ways to unify business activities to carry out more effective customer service actions contributing to a better service experience. Technology is helping businesses face many of the challenges they face as they try to maintain or build market share. One of the most helpful […].
How much protection does technology software need?
DECEMBER 12, 2013
Prospects invest a great deal of time researching the right solution. For some, it’s easier because they’ve got a hot tip on a must-have service – and if that’s your service then you’ve been working really hard at customer success! Throughout the evaluation process, a number of solutions (likely your competitors) are being considered, a few individuals from different departments are weighing in ( the average decision group consists of 5.4 people ) and the prospect is really kicking the tires on
Step-by-step instructions on how to use AI for growth in your contact center Learn how AI can transform your contact center operations. In this ebook, dig into the different AI technologies, then see how each can help automate tasks, streamline service, and turn your contact center from a cost center to a profit house. Plus, we’ll give you practical tips on choosing the right AI tools, getting them up and running, and measuring their impact.
FEBRUARY 25, 2013
Is Your Marketing Organization Ready to Change its MO? Gary Katz. It can sometimes be difficult to determine whether your company is ready to implement Marketing Operations. As described in 7 Deadly Sins of Marketing (previous blog post), Marketing Operations (MO) is an emerging discipline with the potential to significantly increase performance and accountability in complex marketing organizations.
TASKE Technology
NOVEMBER 14, 2013
Many organizations are heading into one of the busiest seasonal peaks of the year. This timeframe–including Thanksgiving Day, Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Super Saturday, and the entire Christmas holiday shopping season–is an opportunity for your business to gain new customers and retain existing ones through excellent customer service. Let’s look at an example of what’s happened over the past couple of years.
Chip Bell
JULY 12, 2013
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nam cursus. Morbi ut mi. Nullam enim leo, egestas id, condimentum at, laoreet mattis, massa. Sed eleifend nonummy diam. Praesent mauris ante, elementum et, bibendum at, posuere sit amet, nibh. Duis tincidunt lectus quis dui viverra vestibulum. Suspendisse vulputate aliquam dui. Nulla elementum dui ut augue.
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